Lexis Rex

Kata Bahasa Inggris Hari Ini




Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Indonesia
     1. dahan
Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. The woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing.
     2. n. Any of the parts of something that divides like the branch of a tree.
           the branch of an antler, a chandelier, or a railway
     3. n. (in particular) A creek or stream which flows into a larger river. (In the US, branch is a Southern US term; compare Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia run, and New York and New England brook.)
     4. n. (geometry) One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance.
           the branches of a hyperbola
     5. n. A location of an organization with several locations.
           Our main branch is downtown, and we have branches in all major suburbs.
     6. n. A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line.
           the English branch of a family
     7. n. (Mormonism) A local congregation of the LDS Church that is not large enough to form a ward; see Wikipedia article on ward in LDS church.
     8. n. An area in business or of knowledge, research.
     9. n. (nautical) A certificate given by Trinity House to a pilot qualified to take navigational control of a ship in British waters.
     10. n. (computer architecture) A sequence of code that is conditionally executed.
     11. n. (computing) A group of related files in a source control system, including for example source code, build scripts, and media such as images.
     12. n. (rail transport) A branch line.
     13. v. (intransitive) To arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree.
     14. v. (intransitive) To produce branches.
     15. v. To (cause to) divide into separate parts or subdivisions.
     16. v. (intransitive, computing) To jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement.
Bahasa Indonesia > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. branch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing)



Contoh Kalimat-kalimat

I was once up on the highest branch.
Man, if only I had done better on my volcano, I could have been branch manager of a local bank!
Most are instant access paying much higher interest rates than their branch equivalents owing to lower overheads.
Then on the way over, shortcut through the orchard, he cracked his melon on a tree branch.

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